Summer Exhibition in Germany
Photos: Rayel
This is already the second exhibition of Marika's sculptures in ‘Gallery Flow Fine Art’. The gallery is located between Köln and Düsseldorf in a 17th century mansion, the ‘Open Sky House’ at the Rheinstraße 54, Hitdorf. On show are also digital transformed nude photography from the Welshman John David and lithography and screen prints from Finnish artist Eeva Hauss.
The exhibition is open Tues-Fri 2 - 5 pm until 12th September. On Sunday by appointment, please call before: 0177 – 4124069.
Dit is reeds de tweede tentoonstelling van Marika's beelden in de galerie ‘Flow Fine Art’. De galerie is gehuisvest in een 17e eeuws herenhuis, het ‘Open Sky House’ aan de Rheinstraße 54 te Hitdorf.
Eveneens tentoongesteld zijn de digitaal getransformeerde foto's van de Welshman John David en litho's en zeefdrukken van de Finse kunstenares Eeva Hauss.
De tentoonstelling is open tot 12 september, van dinsdag tot en met vrijdag, van 14 tot 17 uur. Op zondag enkel na telefonische afspraak op +49-177-4124069.
Have a look at the invitation
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